Cushion Tree is grounded in the intention to open hearts and plant seeds of Mindful and Spiritual Living so that you feel the freedom, joy, and balance they provide no matter the circumstance.
I was introduced to mindfulness in the summer of 2009 through a book I stumbled upon by Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth. This book found me at a crossroads, where I felt deep happiness in some ways and deep sadness in others. Life felt unmanageable, and circumstances made even the happy moments more bleak. I was living with an empty feeling inside, and I had no idea how to fill it.
When the Universe gave me this book, I had no idea what mindfulness was, but it changed my life trajectory. A deep place inside me resonated with the teachings, and I shifted from being the main character in my life to taking a step back and seeing I'm the one these thoughts are talking to all day. It taught me to step off the rollercoaster and live from a different, deeply rooted place.
Of course, it didn't happen immediately, and I didn't know the full impact then (it's still unfolding daily), but this book led me to read more books. My perspective shifted from feeling alone and sad to feeling alive and more peaceful even though my circumstances had not changed. Mindfulness taught me that I am the loving awareness that my thoughts talk to, and it also taught me about the neurotic nature of the mind.
I read about retreats in these books and signed up for my first silent retreat at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in 2011. This experience was so different than any other experience up until that point. I learned how to meditate and began interacting with myself differently. A feeling of spaciousness grew inside of me. I repeated this retreat many times and found more where I learned mindfulness and meditation on a deeper level. I naturally moved into a daily home-based mindfulness practice that includes meditation, yoga, and spiritual practice.
In 2021, I became a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher through MMTCP, a two-year program with primary teachers and mentors Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. This experience has proven invaluable. Cushion Tree is a direct result of my transformation.
Since my beautiful daughter Norah crossed over in 2016, I have moved into an ever-evolving and significant spiritual practice. My passion and joy come from sharing the true essence of who we are and the fact that we ALL have the ability to connect to our higher self and higher state of Being. I have become a certified Spiritual Life Coach to support clients further on their paths and also provide spiritual readings. Cushion Tree has become a place where I can share these practices, and I am honored to do so.
In Light and Love for ALL,
- Erin
Our mission is to serve, teach and share mindfulness and spiritual living using whatever brought you here as your guide. Whether you're going through a difficult time and stumbled here with these circumstances, or you feel an unexplainable pull to align with Purpose and a Higher Consciousness, Mindfulness Meets You Where You Are.
Cushion Tree's coaching and online programs are designed to help you live as your True Self. It's that simple. When you live in this place, you experience a massive shift! You begin to see that life is happening for you instead of to you.
We all have the ability to create the lives we want.
Peace, love, and joy exist in every one of us, and my intention is to keep it simple and show you some ways to reacquaint you with this truth. These things are not out there in the world somewhere for other people; everything you need to live the life you dream about is already available.