Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation
If you've wanted to try meditation and your attempts haven't stuck, or if you'd like some support and structure to create a practice, you've arrived at the right spot.
For three weeks, I'll give you an overview of the fundamentals of mindfulness meditation and help you apply them in your life. This is an essential part of this journey because you don't want to just learn about these deeply rooted teachings—you want to experience them.
By the end of our time together, you can begin to integrate these practices so you feel the start of a profound shift on an everyday level.
If you see fear, fear is present. If you see love, love is present.
This may feel overly simple, but it also holds a universal truth.

Erin Rizkalla Mindfulness Meditation
Meditation Basics
During our time together, you will learn:
How to create and sustain a meditation practice
Common pitfalls of meditation and how to move through them
Tips, tricks, and triggers to apply mindfulness to your already established life
The foundational teachings of Mindfulness Meditation:
Compassion, Forgiveness, LovingKindness, & Non-Attachment